If it is time to focus on your current life or career situation, you have come to the right place. I can help you find clarity, bring new perspectives and tackle the hurdles on the way to a more fulfilling life. Contact me by mail or phone for an initial free half hour session or to learn more about how I can help you on maaikevdijk@yahoo.co.uk or +31 6 28808599
“…Maaike helped me getting more insight in my interests and the factors that keep me from doing what I truly like and get more confidence in doing so. Maaike has always created a safe environment. I totally felt at ease, she listens carefully and notices subtle signals that make a difference. I feel I have more grip on my life and the way I live it now!”
Mirjam, Consultant, 29 years old.
“Maaike has a warm personality and the ability to make you feel at home immediately, to let you tell your stories and open up to experiment…We did a Voice Dialogue session that really was impressive. A year has gone by since, but I still listen to those strong inner voices that spoke that day, and that really had something to tell me. Recommended.”
Marion, Singer/Composer and Scientist.